School Security Systems: Complete Guide
Explore security technologies and best practices to protect your school or campus.
Rachel Heller, Content Marketing Manager

Safety and security should be a foremost priority for all educational institutions. From preventing unauthorized access to mitigating emergencies, leveraging robust school security systems is essential to protect students, faculty, and staff.

Fortunately, reports show that schools are steadily ramping up their physical security measures. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 91% of US public K-12 schools employ security cameras and 97% employ controlled access to buildings.

Yet, with security incidents growing increasingly complex, it’s critical for schools and campuses to continuously evaluate their solutions and identify areas for optimization.

This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look at the essential components and technologies that constitute effective security systems for schools. Strategically integrating these different systems — including video surveillance, AI-powered technology, access control, and alarms — creates a holistic, unified security infrastructure.

By the end of this guide, you’ll walk away with valuable insights to enhance your security measures, meet your school or campus’s specific needs, and protect against any incident that may arise.

Table of contents

  1. What are school security systems?
  2. Security cameras & video surveillance for schools
  3. AI-powered security for schools
  4. Alarm systems for schools
  5. Access control & door security for schools
  6. School safety grants
  7. Upgrade your school security systems


What are school security systems?

Open campuses, unsecured entrances, limited resources and personnel, and minimal visitor management are just some of the vulnerabilities present in the average school’s security measures. Implementing the appropriate systems is an essential step to address these challenges head-on.

A holistic, comprehensive approach to school security integrates and unifies several layers of impactful solutions. When these systems come together, they form a layered defense that deters crime, detects threats, and facilitates rapid response.

Components of effective school security systems

  • Surveillance cameras: Monitoring and recording activities on school grounds, ensuring continuous oversight and deterrence.
  • Access control systems: Regulating entry and exit points, preventing unauthorized access and protecting sensitive areas.
  • Alarm systems: Detecting intrusions, fires, and other incidents, ensuring rapid response.
  • AI-powered technology: Continuously monitoring surveillance feeds and automatically detecting and alerting to threats in real-time.


Security cameras & video surveillance for schools

Security camera monitoring in school classroom
Maintaining constant vigilance over a school’s sprawling grounds is paramount for effective security. Installing security cameras helps fulfill this critical function.

However, relying only on security cameras can lead to a reactive approach, where these tools are used to record incidents rather than prevent them. For a more proactive strategy, school leaders and security professionals have begun to integrate cameras with AI-powered technology. 

AI solutions layer onto existing security cameras to autonomously monitor for threats and immediately alert security staff to any incidents that arise. Learn more about AI school security.

Types of school security cameras

Bullet security cameras

  • Functionality: These cameras offer long-range visibility and weatherproof construction while maintaining clear footage and detail. They are ideal for outdoor applications, but they remain a popular choice for a range of use cases. 
  • Deterrent effect: The distinctive bullet-shaped casing may act as a visible deterrent to potential intruders.

PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) security cameras 

  • Flexibility in coverage: These versatile cameras provide notable flexibility in coverage and solid low-light performance. Operators can remotely adjust the camera’s direction (pan), tilt it vertically, and zoom in on specific areas for detailed observation. 
  • Efficiency: PTZ cameras allow security personnel to monitor large areas efficiently while also focusing on suspicious activity or potential threats.

Dome security cameras 

  • Functionality: Discreet and tamper-resistant, dome cameras are an ideal choice for indoor environments. Their unobtrusive design blends into the surroundings, while their vandal-resistant casings offer an extra layer of protection against physical damage.  
  • Night vision: Many models come equipped with infrared illuminators for clear night vision and effective surveillance in low-light conditions, though this feature is not universal.

Panoramic security cameras

  • Comprehensive view: Fisheye and multi-directional panoramic cameras provide a comprehensive view of expansive areas, reducing blind spots that could be exploited. This makes them particularly suitable for monitoring hallways, parking lots, or open fields where a broader field of vision is crucial. 
  • Image quality: The image quality of panoramic cameras may vary across the field of view, and detailed observation of distant objects might be limited.


Additional considerations for surveillance cameras

Camera placement

  • High-traffic areas: It’s essential to place cameras in areas with high foot traffic — such as entrances, exits, hallways, and other common areas — for constant monitoring and recording of places that people frequently pass through.
  • Blind spots: Security professionals should conduct a thorough vulnerability assessment of the school grounds to identify potential blind spots, such as corners of buildings, storage areas, or secluded pathways. Cameras should be positioned to cover these areas.
  • Night vision: Cameras with infrared or low-light technology can capture clear images even in darkness, enhancing overall security and making it possible to monitor the premises around the clock.
  • Regular assessments: School leadership and security personnel are recommended to periodically assess their camera placement, evaluate the impact of this resource distribution, and ensure that there are no glaring blind spots in coverage.

Data storage

  • Storage solutions: On-site storage offers direct control and access to recordings within the school premises. Cloud-based solutions provide remote storage for scalability and resilience. A hybrid approach offers a combination of immediate access and remote flexibility. 
  • Data retention policies: Define specific durations for retaining video footage to comply with legal requirements and operational needs. Clearly define authorized uses of footage to protect privacy and ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Security: Secure video data with encryption protocols to prevent unauthorized access. Consider implementing role-based access controls and authentication mechanisms to restrict and monitor access to video footage.


AI-powered security for schools

Experts anticipate that the US school and campus security market will reach $12.58 billion by 2023. With this immense growth comes the need to stay at the cutting edge of the most effective solutions to secure students, faculty, and staff.

At the forefront of this advancement is AI-powered school security. This technology provides 24/7 continuous monitoring, precise threat detection, and real-time awareness. It’s strongly positioned itself as a leading-edge solution for optimizing school security systems.

AI-powered physical security detecting a person jumping fence

Capabilities of AI security for schools

  • Holistic security awareness: Leveraging existing security cameras and tools, AI monitors for a vast range of threats and adverse behaviors that can be precursors to high-severity incidents — including a car or person entering a restricted area, fence jumping, doors being forced or propped open, a person falling down, and more.
  • Instant, accurate weapons detection: AI-powered gun detection instantly and accurately identifies hard-to-spot weapons before shots are fired, resulting in 10x faster response times. With proactive and precise detection, personnel can intervene early and prevent escalation.
  • Automated, verified responses: AI generates actionable alert notifications with corresponding video clips, locations of perpetrators, and other critical contexts, driving real-time situational awareness. 
  • Virtual security operations center: AI technology seamlessly integrates with security cameras to enable monitoring, alerting, video investigations, insights, and communications — all from a laptop or phone. There’s no need to invest in new cameras or hire more and more security staff to operate like a fully-equipped security center.


Success stories for AI security

The Harker School’s AI-powered security

Located in the heart of the Silicon Valley, The Harker School is the largest independent K-12 school in California. Five years before AI’s widespread popularity, the school’s Director of Security saw its potential as a tool to make their community safer. 

To enable an even more comprehensive security infrastructure and better protect its four campuses, The Harker School implemented’s AI-powered threat detection and real-time alerts.

The Harker School’s challenges

  • Layering security across open, distributed school campuses
  • Limited site visibility after operational hours
  • No dedicated SOC watching cameras 24/7’s solutions

  • AI-powered, 24/7 monitoring across campuses
  • Real-time alerts of after-hours activities that were rarely detected in the past
  • Automated gun detection technology
  • Ability to detect early threat behaviors and prevent escalation


Alarm systems for schools

From deterring unauthorized access at school boundaries to securing specific areas within the building, alarm systems constitute a vital layer of school security.

Types of school alarm systems

Perimeter alarms

  • Functionality: These alarms are typically installed along fences, gates, and other entry points to monitor for any breach attempts.
  • Detection methods: They may utilize sensors, such as infrared motion detectors or vibration sensors, to detect movement or attempts to breach physical barriers.
  • Safety & security measures: Upon detection, perimeter alarms trigger immediate alerts to security personnel, enabling rapid response to potential security breaches before intruders can gain access to school buildings or grounds.

Door sensor alarms

  • Functionality: Sensors are installed on doors and windows, detecting unauthorized attempts to open or tamper with entry points.
  • Detection methods: These alarms utilize magnetic contacts or motion sensors to detect changes in door or window status, signaling potential unauthorized access or forced entry attempts.
  • Safety & security measures: Door sensor alarms integrate with access control systems, ensuring that only authorized personnel can enter secured areas. They provide critical alerts to security personnel, enabling immediate intervention and preventing unauthorized activities within restricted areas.

Fire and smoke alarms

  • Functionality: These alarms use smoke detectors and heat sensors to monitor air quality and temperature changes, identifying signs of fire or smoke presence.
  • Detection methods: Upon detection, fire and smoke alarms activate audible and visual alerts throughout the school premises, alerting occupants and initiating emergency evacuation procedures.
  • Safety & security measures: Fire and smoke alarms are critical in safeguarding the lives of students, staff, and visitors by providing timely warnings and facilitating swift evacuation during fire emergencies.


Integration with notification protocols

  • Automated alerts: Automated alerts ensure that designated personnel are immediately informed when an alarm is triggered. When an alarm activates, security personnel, administrators, and relevant staff should be able to receive instant notifications via SMS, email, and/or mobile apps, providing details about the incident.
  • Emergency services coordination: Alarm systems should be able to directly connect with local emergency services for an immediate response to crises. Regular drills and collaboration with emergency services help improve their familiarity with school layout and procedures.
  • Communication systems: Platforms with communication functionalities allow for easy coordination between security personnel, school staff, and emergency responders. Unified communication platforms integrate voice, text, and video for real-time coordination.


Access control & door security for schools

Door access control system
Effective access control systems regulate who can enter and exit different areas, maintaining a secure environment while allowing authorized personnel easy access. Access control solutions come in various forms, offering distinct advantages for regulating school access.

Types of school access control systems

Keycard systems

  • Functionality: Keycard systems provide authorized personnel with a physical card that grants access to secured areas. These cards can be programmed to allow entry to specific zones.
  • Advantages: Keycard systems offer a convenient and efficient way to manage access. Cards can be easily issued, deactivated, or reprogrammed as needed, providing flexibility in managing access permissions. Lost or stolen cards can be quickly deactivated to maintain security.
  • Usage: Schools can implement keycard systems at main entrances, classrooms, administrative offices, and other critical areas to control and monitor access.

Biometric systems

  • Functionality: Biometric systems use unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, to verify the identity of individuals seeking access. These systems provide a high level of security by ensuring that only authorized individuals can enter restricted areas.
  • Advantages: Biometric systems offer enhanced security compared to traditional keycard systems, as they rely on unique personal identifiers that are difficult to duplicate or forge. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access through lost or stolen credentials.
  • Usage: Implementing biometric systems in high-security areas, such as laboratories or administrative offices, can significantly enhance overall security.

Visitor management systems

  • Functionality: Visitor management systems track and manage visitors entering the school premises. These systems often include visitor registration, identification verification, and badge issuance to ensure that all visitors are authorized and accounted for.
  • Advantages: Visitor management systems improve security by providing a clear record of all individuals entering the school. They help prevent unauthorized access by ensuring that visitors are screened and monitored. Additionally, these systems enhance accountability by maintaining detailed logs of visitor activity.
  • Usage: Schools can implement visitor management systems at main entrances or reception areas to manage visitor access and ensure that only authorized individuals can enter the premises.


Additional considerations for access control

Door locks

  • Cylindrical locks: Commonly used in classrooms and administrative offices, cylindrical locks are durable and easy to operate. They provide a balance between security and convenience, making them a standard choice for many schools.
  • Mortise locks: Known for their strength and reliability, mortise locks are suitable for high-traffic areas and exterior doors. They offer enhanced security features compared to cylindrical locks, ensuring robust protection for critical areas.
  • Electronic door locks: These locks can be integrated with access control systems, allowing for remote locking and unlocking based on access permissions. They provide an additional layer of security and convenience, enabling school personnel to control access centrally.

Security policies and procedures

  • Access permissions: Clearly define access permissions for different roles within the school. Regularly review and update these permissions to ensure they align with current security requirements.
  • Visitor policies: Establish and enforce visitor policies, including pre-registration, identification verification, and escorting visitors around the premises. Clear policies help maintain a secure and organized environment.
  • Emergency protocols: Develop and regularly practice emergency protocols related to access control, such as lockdown procedures and evacuation plans. Ensure that all personnel are trained to respond effectively during emergencies.


School safety grants

While securing resources and funding for school security systems can be challenging, various grant programs exist at both the state and federal levels. For state-specific grants, consulting a state’s Department of Education or Department of Public Safety website is one of the best ways to stay up to date on what’s available.

Key federal grants

  • COPS School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP): The Community Oriented Policing Services’ SVPP aims to improve security at schools and on school grounds through evidence-based school safety programs and technology. Funding uses include metal detectors, locks, security cameras, technology for expedited notification of law enforcement, and more.
  • BJA STOP School Violence Program: The Bureau of Justice Assistance’s STOP School Violence Program supports the development and implementation of comprehensive school safety plans, crisis intervention strategies, and mental health programs. Funding uses include technology to improve school safety, specialized training for school officials, school threat assessment and intervention teams, and more.
  • OJJDP Enhancing School Capacity to Address Youth Violence: The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Enhancing School Capacity to Address Youth Violence program provides funding for schools to develop and implement strategies that enhance their capacity to prevent and respond to youth violence. Funding uses include evidence-based practices to prevent youth violence, training school personnel on violence prevention and intervention strategies, and more.


Upgrade your school security systems

The good news: schools across the U.S. are taking steps to tighten up their security. The bad news: the traditional approach to school security just isn’t comprehensive enough.

Relying solely on security cameras can make your security team reactive, resigned to merely recording incidents. Likewise, airport-style metal detectors offer only a single, easily circumvented layer of defense.

At this pivotal moment in the school and campus security landscape, it’s never been a better time to leverage AI. AI technology easily retrofits existing cameras to add a layer of unmatched threat detection and risk reduction to your security measures.

The AI-powered computer vision intelligence platform continually monitors for threats and enables you to proactively address incidents for a safer, more secure learning environment. 

Learn more about our AI security for education and all the other ways can protect your community from negative behaviors and bad actors.

Rachel Heller, Content Marketing Manager