Undertaking a whole new procurement process to purchase expensive new sensors is stretching limited time and budgets beyond capacity, especially when other urgent security issues need to be addressed.
24/7 anonymous monitoring of security cameras accurately counts entries and exits of all worksites and isn’t constrained by tailgating, office size, or faulty sensors.
Since Ambient.ai leverages existing security cameras to compile data, there is no need for additional sensors that require arduous installation and constant upkeep.
AI-powered vision intelligence unlocks huge potential beyond typical hardware, such as the ability to count cars in a parking lot.
Enterprise-grade platform that secures your data and adheres to industry compliance standards, but DOESN’T do facial recognition or PII collection.
Real-time occupancy counting during evacuations keeps your team in control when emergencies strike
Once spatial intelligence was set up, we very quickly saw the power of that tool. We did a crisis response and evacuation drill and were able to see in real-time the occupancy data of the building reflect how people were coming and going.